Thursday 27 August 2015

First Day of School

Monday was the first day of school for the kids. Abby came home and was ready to home school. She had a rough first day, the buddy that she was paired up with already had a good friend in the class and they kept hanging out together. However her teacher called and wanted to check in with me and I made her aware of the situation. She let Abby pick her buddy the next day and it went much better. So thankful for the call from her teacher! Abby has kids in her class from Egypt, Japan, Australia, U.S., France and India. She loves learning things from the other kids but does say it is hard to understand some of their English.
Colin got in the car and said he loved it and had a great day. Colin is considered middle school here and he thinks that is the coolest thing. He however does not get to do some of the things that the 7th and 7th graders get to do. He has kids in his class from Latvia (which is thrilling to him since one of his classmates from Grand View was Latvian), Egypt, France, Japan and U.S.
Kaden did not have a great day either. His buddy did not show him around and in Kaden's words "just didn't care." Breaks a moms heart when they are starting a new school and don't have a good day. I have introduced myself to the teachers and chatted with the counselor in the middle school. All very lovely people and willing to help Kaden with his transition. Kaden has classmates from Russia, Italy, Japan, Canada, Nigeria, Jamaica, Turkey and U.S.
The boys have block scheduling with an A week and B week so that will be new to all of us and will take some adjusting to. Colin and Kaden will both be taking a full year of Spanish this year which is amazing! In the U.S. I don't believe they start languages soon enough. Colin really wanted to take French but 5th graders have to take one year of Spanish and then they can choose.
When I dropped my kids off on Monday I felt like a big piece of me was gone. I missed them terribly but I had a good distraction. I was invited to coffee with some moms that live in the same area as we do. All of them have been there for a year or more except one other lady and I. I greatly enjoyed their company and getting to know them. They are very down to earth and fun, not the snobbish kind. Three of them are military wives and one other was civilian like me. I can't wait to continue to go to coffee and do other things with them, a fun bunch.

Abby 2nd Grade

Colin 5th Grade

Kaden 7th Grade

Our three lovelies. Colin was a little irritated with Kaden here and they just got in trouble for pestering each other. Gotta love their faces!


  1. This helps as I pray for your kiddos. Tell Kaden and Colin that Mrs. Root is praying for them. I'm not sure Abby knows me well enough but you can tell her also. I'm glad God is giving you a circle of friends. He weaves all colors into a tapestry of His choosing. It will be great to see it all unfold as time goes on.

    Love, Joy

  2. Sorry they had such difficult starts. Praying it gets better quickly. You'll love block scheduling. It normally gives them and extra day to prepare and manage homework. That's great when you have a hectic evening.
