Saturday, 27 February 2016

London Pub Tour

Last night Randy and I with a group of friends took a London Pub Tour. The tour guide has been doing it for twelve years for fun and now the last five for a job. He was full of information and history. He would tell us the history of the pub and also anything on the way, much fun!

Randy & I started out with a dinner at Smith & Wollensky.
It was a great dinner and this was Randy's Tomahawk, yes he ate it all. 

Dragon - London is made up of two cities, Westminster & London. These 
dragons are all over and as you cross them you go from one city to the other.
It is said that these dragons guard the "treasure" the financial district of the world. The cities both have their own police force and government.

Another Dragon

Temple Church - Ionic literary 12th century church

Most famous dragon in London resides outside the Royal Court of Justice building. 

Royal Court of Justice 

Twinnings - Famous tea of London
It is the  oldest business logo still in use today. 

Lyceum Tavern - It use to be connected to the Lyceum Theatre and as you walked out of the performance you walked into the pub. It is patterned after a 1920 rail station. It has Organic chocolate beer, organic strawberry beer and several others. It is a Sam'l Smith Pub and there are 37 of them in London. They can not have any TV's or music, they are banned because he wants the conversation and laugher to fill the pub. 

The Coal Hole - Is is called the Coal Hole for two reasons. They say it was either the place where they stored the coal for the Savoy Hotel OR it was the place where they shipped it down the river and this is where the workers came for a pint before working. 

Inside the Coal Hole - very high ceilings and carvings on the wall.

Gin Palace - In 1898 it was turned into a Gin Palace by Lord Salisbury.

Trafalgar Square at night. 

Fountain at Trafalgar Square.

Sign that says Benjamin Franklin lived here and has the dates on it. 

Ship & Shovell - It was one pub until the river Thames was moved and then they split is in two with 
the cellar linking the two sides below. 

Science Museum

During mid-term break we took a trip to the Science Museum in London with another family from School. We will definitely have to go back because there was so much to cover. We took a few pictures and then visited Leonardo da Vinci: The Mechanics of Genius. The kids really enjoyed that!

Amelia & Abby

Diving Suit


Annabelle, Kaden, Colin, Christin, Sophie, Abby & Amelia

Walking outside

Visit to Paddington Station